Core Values
The following represents the core values that Bethel United Africa Church are passionate about and aspire to reflect in our very essence of who we are as a church
- Biblical Teaching: We lead people out of a deep conviction and commitment to God’s word, so that together we grow in our love and application of it.
- Biblical Worship: We glorify God and experience his presence through corporate and personal worship that is God centered, life changing and based on biblical principles, resulting in expressions of gratitude, honor and service.
- Prayer: We elevate communication with God as an essential means for personal transformation and effective ministry, which pleases and honors him.
- Evangelism: We actively build relationships with non-believer’s to communicate the gospel of Jesus Christ through word and deed, both locally and globally.
- Equipping & Multiplying Disciples: We equip followers of Christ to cultivate their spiritual lives in order to nurture Christ likeness and reproduce ministry in others.
- Biblical Community: We intentionally facilitate nurturing community environments where we encourage, challenge, and hold each other accountable in the process of spiritual growth and Christ like relationships.
- Servant Leadership: We reproduce servant leaders who are committed to ministry teams and consensus in prayerful dependence on God’s word, the Holy Spirit and one another. This begins with the Elders, who have the final responsibility for guiding, and shepherding our congregation, and continues to all ministry areas.
Bethel United African Church also believes in the R’S of Christianity:
Whether we’re gathered together or out and about Bethel United African Church, we hope that our members and the people we meet will get a taste of :
- Rest: We love spending time in God’s presence. We want to find that special place where we can do to earn the Father’s love.
- Revelation: We believe the Bible is God’s word and contains the truth about us and our world. We look to the Holy Spirit for understanding of the Word and to hear the Father’s heart for our lives today.
- Reality: We are building authentic communities of people who are free to come as they are, but who don’t want to leave unchanged. We’re part of one big family so we try not to hide from one another, even when it’s hard.
- Restoration: As the most important relationship we’ll ever have gets restored, so do the relationships we have with those who are on the journey with us. We long to see more people come to know the Father through Jesus.
- Release: Each one of us is made in the image of God. There is a whole universe of potential inside. We want to see people realizing their gifts and becoming all that God created them to be.
- Real: We believe it is vital to cultivate lifestyles of authenticity in how we relate to God and others. We are committed to providing a place where people experience acceptance, find answers to their questions, and are encouraged to grow spiritually. The Good News of Jesus Christ offers spiritual freedom that saturates every area of our lives; this provides freedom from hurts, destructive habits, unhealthy relationships, and anything else that holds us back from truly knowing God and his purposes for our lives.
- Relevant: Our desire is that the reality of God’s presence is expressed in genuine, relevant, and powerful ways through our services, relationships, and lifestyles. We are committed to using creative methods to communicate the ageless truth of God’s love to people in our community. The Bible holds the key to unlock God’s purposes in every person’s life. We are seeking a synergy of Biblical truth and modern methods that will speak directly to this generation.
- Revolutionary: Revolution means “a change of government. “ Jesus is “King of Kings and Lord of Lords. “Our “revelation” is to reveal the amazing grace of our Savior to those who have yet to meet this amazing King and make Him the Lord of their lives! We believe that God has commissioned the Church to be a life-giving force and extension of his love. Life church is committed to impacting the world in practical ways; helping to bring about change in individuals, families, our community, and the world.